Posted in edible landscaping, garden installation, permaculture design

Time Lapse of a Front Yard Garden

One of our clients, Tim Kiernan,  made a cool time lapse video of Jason and Luke creating their front yard garden. It is fun to watch the big pile of compost get smaller and smaller and fit perfectly into the raised beds. It’s also amazing to think that in just 5 days, you can have a beautiful garden, full of food!


Posted in edible landscaping, food forests, garden installation, permaculture design

Dreaming of Abundant Gardens, Food Forests and Delicious Yards!

Even with all the snowflakes, slushy sleet and ice pellets that have been cluttering our skies and blanketing our soils lately, I’ve got visions of lush, green gardens decorating my thoughts today. We started our pepper, eggplant and herb seeds the other day, and many of our spring greens are already germinating, so the season is on here at Edible Earthscapes. In particular this week, I’ve been turning my attention toward garden designs as Luke and I already have jobs rolling in just a few weeks into our new collaboration.

There are always question marks when you enter into a new enterprise, and even more unknowns when you throw a person you hardly know into the mix as a partner.  Luke and I met last spring when he and his family became new neighbors of ours.  Over the last several months, our friendship has organically gravitated toward a working relationship with visions of bringing abundant, edible gardens into the yards of those in Pittsboro and the triangle area who are ready to become more familiar with the food they eat.

As I look at it now, I realize that the universe has probably had this partnership dialed in for quite some time, as our ethics, our aesthetic leanings and working styles feel very synched up.  Honestly, I expected a little more friction and perhaps a few more roadblocks, and those challenges may very well come, but I’m encouraged by the ease in which our collaboration has evolved.  As we delved into our first consultation and resulting design process, I felt both of us effortlessly settling into our individual roles that felt very complimentary, efficient and natural. I can’t speak for Luke, but for me, this realization came as a relief and a blessing, as such chemistry is often hard to come by in this life.

Of course, the real test will come when the winter eases up a little and allows the land to dry up enough to permit us to actually get out there and start installing our designs.  I know we’re both chomping at the bit to start getting our hands dirty, and I for one am really looking forward to seeing the efforts of our collaboration come into fruition!

If you’re feeling inspired to bring new life and nourishing home-grown food onto your land and into your home, then perhaps Luke and I can help you realize the garden of your dreams. Contact us for a consultation and we’ll see what evolves from there…

IMG_1328Jason Oatis ~ Edible Earthscapes                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    919-200-5046

About Luke McMullan of Branches Ecological Designs…  For the past 6 years, Luke has been self-employed as a consultant designing, implementing and maintaining permaculture-based systems for private residences. He also has 9 years experience working on organic farms.

Posted in edible landscaping, food forests, garden installation, permaculture design

An exciting new direction for Edible Earthscapes!

Edible Earthscapes is proud to announce that we are expanding beyond the borders of our farm in Moncure, Chatham County and evolving toward the vision we first held when we started this business in 2008.  While we will still be growing veggies on our farm and supplying our produce at the Midtown Farmers’ market in Raleigh, we will also be bringing our experience and skills into the yards and gardens of those who are ready to start growing their own food. Starting in the spring of 2015, we will be collaborating with Luke of Branches Ecological Landscapes to provide garden consulting, design, installation and maintenance services in Pittsboro and the greater the triangle area.  For the past 6 years, Luke has been self-employed as a consultant designing, implementing and maintaining permaculture-based systems for private residences. He also has 9 years experience working on organic farms.  Luke’s permaculture experience combined with our 7 years of experience in natural farming and annual vegetable production provides a well-balanced team of experts to help you grow the garden of your dreams. Click here to find out more.